German Bielefelder Chicken
Bielefelder INTRO/History
Bielefelder Kennhuhn, pronounced BEE-LAY-FELDER
We have had many various breeds of chicken; this breed is by far our favorite. This great dual-purpose bird is quickly gaining popularity due to their awesome qualities. These large birds are extremely docile, beautiful and easy to raise. Developed in Bielefeld Germany by Mr. Roth in the 1970?s using several breeds, a ?super? chicken was engineered boasting large meaty carcasses, huge eggs, autosexing abilities, great temperament, beautiful feathers who are great foragers. Two different bloodlines were imported into the US in 2013 and again in 2017.
These gentle giants are the chicken for you if you?re looking for companionship. Quiet yet curious, the make excellent pets. They enjoy interaction with people and will come running to see you. They are some of the friendliest chickens you could meet. The hens will allow you to collect eggs without pecking you. Rooster are gentle and friendly unless you are a predator. They are quick to start eating from your hand.
Auto Sexing
Day-old Bielefelder chicks can be easily sexed based on their feather color patterns, and this trait is passed on to further generations. The cockerels (boys) are pale colored, and the pullets (girls) have a chipmunk stripe down their back. What an advantage!
(L) Chick is Female (R) Male
Bielefelder?s are adaptable to harsh environments and do well in both cold and hot climates. As with any chicken breed, depending on the climate, proper infrastructure must be provided, i.e., a well-insulated coop for safety and warmth, heating for extreme cold, shade and plenty of water in hot climates.
Bielefelder hens are not the broody type. They are however great guardians of chicks. Once they start laying the don?t stop. Hens will grow to approximately 9.5 lbs. Hens reach sexual maturity at around 5-1/2 months of age.
Who would want a rooster? They are noisy right? Roosters are great protectors of you flock and will escort your hens and constantly watch the sky. Rooster will sound and alarm the hens to take cover in the event of a threat from a predator. In addition to protection, roosters are not aggressive toward adults or children and can provide mating if you want to build your flock. Roosters will grow to approximately 12 lbs and reach sexual maturity at around 5-1/2 months of age.
Egg Laying
Bielefelders hens start laying at a young age and average 230 large eggs per year. Eggs are a beautiful shade of brown, sometimes with pink undertones which is unique to this breed.
Due to the Bielefelders lifestyle their meat is delicious and juicy. As they are active and spend a lot of time foraging, their varied diet add flavor to their meat (and eggs too). Their large frames supply more meat the many other breeds too. In short, these are great birds for both meat and eggs (dual purpose).
We sell:
- Fertilized Hatching Eggs
- Day Old Chicks
- Poults